DEKRA cookie notice

DEKRA Cookie Notice

To ensure the proper functioning of our website other websites owned by DEKRA, as well as any other website under the published subdomain (hereinafter: "Page"), we use Cookies and similar technologies.

Below we will explain how we use personal information collected by Cookies and pixels ("Cookies" and "Pixel Tags") on the Page.

1. What data do we collect through Pixel Tags and Cookies? 

When we open our Page or view our targeted ads, we automatically collect information using Cookies.

The data we collect from Cookies include IP address, device ID, pages viewed, search data, browser type, operating system, internet operator, timestamp, URL redirection, and location information depending on the device you use.

2. More information about Pixel Tags

Pixel tags (also known as 'clear gifs') are electronic files that usually consist of a single-pixel image and can be added to a website or e-mail to send information such as a newsletter. We may use pixel tags to set or recognize a cookie on your device if you use our services.

3. More information about Cookies

Cookies are small electronic pieces of information that a website sends to a visitor's browser stored on the visitor's hard drive. Cookies allow the Page to recognize whether users have already visited it or help it understand user preferences. Cookies provide information about which part of the Page is the most popular because it shows page visits and page visit time.

4. Storing Cookies

We store Cookies on your computer if you visit our website.

5. Manage and delete Cookies

If you are concerned about saving Cookies on your device, you can configure your browser to refuse them or alert you when you set Cookies, allowing you to decide whether to accept them. You can also delete Cookies from your device. Every web browser is different, so use your browser's "Settings" menu to change your cookie settings.

For the most used browsers, the cookie management menu items are as follows:

Google Chrome: chrome://settings/cookies

Mozilla Firefox: about:preferences#privacy

Internet Explorer:

The Page uses Cookies, so disabling or restricting them will reduce your browsing experience and cause an error in the Page's functionality.

6. Third Party Cookies

We allow certain third parties to set Cookies. If you have questions about Cookies used and who sets them, please contact us at the contacts listed below.

7. Types of Cookies

There are generally three different ways to classify Cookies: storage length, their origin, and their purpose

A. Duration

Temporary Cookies - These Cookies are short-lived and deleted when you close the browser.

Persistent Cookies - All Cookies that remain on your device until you delete them or until your browser does so, depending on the expiration date of the cookie (e.g., language settings, username, and password or cookie settings), so that you do not have to re-select on each subsequent visit.

B. Origin

First-party Cookies - These Cookies are placed directly on your device by the Page you visited and that only Page can read.

Third-party Cookies - This kind of Cookies is not placed on your device by the Page you are visiting, but by a third party such as an advertiser or analytics service (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google Analytics).

C. Purpose

Mandatory Cookies - These Cookies are necessary to browse the Page and use its basic features, such as access to securing parts of the Page. Since these Cookies are necessary for Page's functionality, there is no need to obtain consent to place them on devices.

Preferential Cookies, also known as "functional Cookies”, allow the Page to remember the choices you have made in the past, for example, which language you prefer, for which region you want to receive the weather forecast, or what your username and password are.

Statistical Cookies - Also known as "performance Cookies". These Cookies collect information about how you use the Page, such as the pages and links you visit. These Cookies cannot identify you. All such data are aggregated and, therefore, anonymized. Their sole purpose is to improve the functions of the Page. This includes third-party analytics Cookies, if Cookies are the sole use of the owner of the Page visited.

Marketing Cookies - These Cookies track your online activity to help advertisers provide more relevant advertising or limit the number of times you see an ad. These cookies may share this information with other organizations or advertisers.

8. Purposes of processing

We use your information, including personal information collected by Cookies, for the following purposes:

A. Enabling the use of our Page

We use the information collected by Cookies to enable you to use the Page to make it easier for you to search for jobs. It is in our legitimate business interest to use Cookies for this purpose.

B. Performing analytics regarding the use of our services

We use the data collected by Cookies to analyze the use of our Page and prepare reports on the use of our Page. We also use Cookies to track using the Page and improve your user experience and the Page quality. It is in our legitimate business interest to use Cookies for these purposes.

C. Providing a targeted advertising service

We use the data collected by Cookies to realize our legitimate interest in providing targeted advertising services. If necessary, we will obtain prior consent before placing Cookies for this purpose. Given consent can be withdrawn at any time. In addition, you may, at any time, decline our processing of your personal information for advertising purposes.

D. Market research

The information we collect from Cookies we use to pursue our legitimate interest in conducting market research (including market segmentation or trend analysis, preferences and behaviors, product or service research, or marketing or advertising effectiveness) or product development (e.g., analysis of market segment characteristics or user groups or the functionality of our Page, to improve the Page).

If you wish to disable the use of the Cookies described in this section, and no way to disable them is directly available to you, as indicated in point 5 of this Cookie Notice, please contact us at [email protected].

9. Data sharing

We may share your information with social networks, e-mail services, SMS services and other cloud computing services used to provide service, productivity, or reporting.

We share your personal information with third parties as permitted by law and described below, including service providers acting on our behalf. We disclose personal information to law enforcement and other governmental bodies if required by law or strictly necessary to prevent, detect or prosecute criminal offenses and fraud.

We do not sell or rent your personal information.

10. Data retention period

There is a difference between temporary and permanent Cookies.

Temporary Cookies only exist until you close your browser.

Persistent Cookies have a longer shelf life and don't delete when you close the browser.

We try to use Cookies or allow the use of Cookies for a maximum of 5 years. Only in exceptional circumstances (e.g., for security reasons, including fraud detection), and when absolutely needed the Cookie has a longer duration than stated. If you have questions about specific retention periods, please contact us using the information below.

11. Questions and/or complaints

If you have questions or complaints regarding our processing of your data or wish to exercise any rights you have under this notice, please feel free to contact us via e-mail: [email protected].

In case of questions or complaints, you can also contact the local data protection authority, the Personal Data Protection Agency.

12. Changes to the Notice

This Cookie Notice is published on the website and applies to all users of the Page about privacy, concerning the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) of 17 May 2022

Any changes to this Cookie Notice will be posted on the Page, and you will be notified accordingly.